Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Focusing on ePortfolios and applying for jobs - presenting yourself in the most appropriate way to ensure that you are shortlisted for a position...

But first, Ms Publisher...

creating a brochure of a place you want to visit...

I remember working with Publisher in my Primary School years, and perhaps in the computer subjects in early High School. I think the different templates for all the different text and print types is wonderful.

ePortfolios - moving forward with technology - both a tool for presenting student achievement and your own achievements! What can you do to make you more employable! MSPublisher or MSPowerpoint are good bases for this kind of presentation - some free sites aid in this - Mahara for example.

Self Promotion

Self promotion seems to be the key. Not only do you have to write a brilliant job application and dress the part at the interview if you are lucky enough to be short-listed (here's hoping that they are plentiful!), we now need to look further and positively present our professional image to the world. I think this is a brilliant concept. It may take a little while to master the computer templave, but the possibilities that this can create for you is endless. Anything that will increase your positioning and enhance your employability is worthy of pursuing!

It will be intersting to go through our achievements to date and bea ble to see the connections that you can create toward the positions that we have worked so hard this year to get. Being older, we have so much to draw from our life experiences, information that you would love the people sitting on the interview pannel to know, but which do not necessarily fit into the timeframe of the interview...but how to make sure that they do take the time to look through the portfolio?

Thank you, Greg, for going over some important information about the interview and application process with us in the workshop. It will be something of a little stress for all of us as we come to the end of this year. I was fortunate enough to sit in the AEU presentation for applying and interviewing as well which went very much along the lines of what you spoke about. The presenter for the AEU highlighted a few home truths about getting shortlisted, indicating that your cover letter is one of the most important tools to getting shortlisted.

I love the analogy he had when describing the big pilies of applications that come through for any teaching position. He said, most of the applications are like apples and oranges. They all look and sound the same. What they are looking for are the bananas! The applications that stand out of the crowd and yell - HEY! LOOK AT ME!

So, my motto for the months to come...BE THE BANANA!

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